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 Ends in 3 Hours and 48 Minutes
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Credit Cards,BBB   >   Information for Buyers   >   Tennessee Land   >   Peregrine Heights Estates  >  Surrounding Area Information

At the moment, we have 6 Parcels of Tennessee Land for Sale.
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The lowest bid is only $500.00, and the next Tennessee Land Auction ends in 3 hours and 48 minutes!

Tennessee Land Development: Peregrine Heights Estates
Brand New! Located in Beautiful Henderson County
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Things to do in and around the area

Lexington, Tennessee - Barbecue Capitol of the USA
10 barbecue restaurants for every 6,000 people
More barbecue restaurants per capita than any other city in the USA!

Natchez Trace State Park
The State's largest and most visited park, is just 6 miles northeast of Lexington. The park covers over 46,000 square acres and is managed by the Tennessee Department of Conservation. Visit the Park Website.

Beech Lake Family Camping Resort Lexington, TN

The Henderson County Chamber of Commerce

Falcon Ridge Golf Course
Beautiful Greens right next door to Peregrine Heights Estates!

In its layout, the Falcon Ridge Golf Course meanders through a tranquil valley and seems to have been designed by nature itself. You’ll find breathtaking views, two lakes, keystone walls, masses of colorful flowers and elevated tee boxes as the setting for our championship level course. “This course has a very unique design because of the way it blends in with the wildlife and nature,” said Keith Pieczynski.  “We also have the best greens in Tennessee.”

The course was built in 2000, based on a design created by owner David Gremmels, a longtime golf professional. “This is a championship-style course that has wonderful views from wherever you are. Each hole is independent of the other and each has its own character,” said Gremmels.

Ours is a par-72 course that plays 6,965 yards from the back tees and 5,065 yards from the forward. You will find that Falcon Ridge is fair, but it will also test your course-management skills in a way that you find on few other courses.

Falcon Ridge has also been designed so that many holes will look intimidating to the golfer standing on the tee box. But you will find they can play easier than they appear if you bring your best game with you. Carefully thinking through each tee, fairway and approach shot is the key to avoiding high scores since Falcon Ridge can be very playable if your make correct decisions.

You’ll start out your round on No. 1 with a par-4 dogleg right, 433 yards from the back tees and 310 yards from the forward tees. The elevated tee box gives you a panoramic view of the hole. You may want to use your driver because of the length. Be careful of the bunker on the left side of the fairway about 150 yards from the green. You’ll want to aim toward the right side where a hill helps work the ball back to the center of the fairway.

No. 2 is a unique par 4 (355 yards from the back tees and 231 yards from the forward). This is one of our most scenic holes, and in fact, is one where golfers often take photos from the tee box. It’s a dogleg left that probably does not require use of a driver. In fact, placement is most important here. Your first shot is from an elevated tee, and it needs to be carefully placed on the left side of the fairway. The approach must be accurate since the rough on the right and back of the green slopes sharply to the lake while a shot left of center works back to the green.

The beautiful third hole is a par-3 that is 165 yards from the back tees and 104 yards from the forward tees. Playing this hole successfully requires using the right club off the tee. Since the tee box is elevated, about one less club-size is needed from what you might ordinarily use for the distance. The green is surrounded on three sides -- front, right side and back -- by water, so the tendency is to overcompensate and hit the ball to the left.  A very small landing area is provided short and left of the green so there is little room for error. “If you hit the ball short, you will be in the water,” said Keith Pieczynski. “If you hit it long, you can hit a stone wall and ricochet back into the water.”

No. 13 is a par-4 uphill dogleg right (360 yards from the back tees and 300 yards from the forward). As you stand on the tee, the right edge of a bunker on the left side of the fairway should be your target. The bunker is on the upslope and is far enough away that you’re not likely to land in it. You’ll make your approach shot from about 110 yards from the green. You’re still going uphill, so be sure to take a longer club than usual. The green is small but has a 4 percent slope from back to front making it very receptive to shots. Be sure to hit enough club to reach the center of the green.

Another of the many holes that will test your mental game at Falcon Ridge is our par-5 No. 16. A huge lake runs along the right of a narrow fairway from tee to green and a forest lies on the left. The hole first turns right and then makes a slight turn to the left. Your tee shot is over water to a relatively narrow landing area. You need the right club and a good shot of at least 165 yards from the mid-length tees to carry the water without rolling into a second water inlet that is 225 yards away from the tee.  If you want to go for the green in two you have to carry this second water hazard with your tee shot – a fairly chancy shot. A prevailing wind at your back might tempt you to go for it but think carefully about your club choice.

Another one of the beautiful par-3s is No. 17, 207 yards from the back tees and 148 from the forward. This hole again requires precise club selection. Make sure you pick a club that give you the distance you need on this hole because the green has bunkers on the right and has a creek running along the left side. The slope and room behind the green forgives a long shot, and shots that are hit to the right side of the green will tend to work back to the green due to the slope. Keep in mind that going too long can create an unplayable lie if your shot comes to rest next to the retaining wall in the back of the hole.

You’ll finish up with a par 4 (412 yards from the back tees and 301 from the forward). Even though the tee shot is elevated on No. 18, it is important to get maximum distance on this hole because you have an uphill, rather difficult approach shot to get to the green. However, the green is large and deep and will receive long irons very favorably.

Here are the distances, ratings and slopes for the course: 6,965 yards (73.6/134); 6,459 yards (71.9/128); 5,811 yards (68.5/122); 5,065 yards (70.0/117).

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