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108 Auctions
Current Lowest bid: $345.00 | Current Highest bid: $3,965.00
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- All of our Land is sold with a 365-day exchange Policy...
- ...take up to one year to decide if the land is right for you.
- None of our Land has unpaid Back-Taxes...
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- All of our Land is free of Liens or other Encumbrances...
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- All of our Land can be accessed legally by county or private road.
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- BillyLand.com went on-line in October of 1997, 27 years and 5 months ago!
Customer Testimonials
At BillyLand we do our best to make people everywhere happy! ...especially our Customers! :) |
Thank you Billy! I visited the land Saturday: Looks great! Jack is considering investing too. I've been nothing less than appalled by land prices where we're living. Between the internet and people like you, it's great to realize there are other options. Do you have similar parcels that are unlisted? Maybe we can save you some listing fees again! Thanks, Robin
Hi Billy, We went to see the property we are purchasing from you yesterday. Tim was a really great guide. We loved the property. It was just as beautiful as the pictures had represented online. We are wondering if you know anything about the ownership and current status of the adjacent lots. Tim said lot 97 was sold by you to some people looking for a home site. If they change their minds on that particular lot, we would be interested in possibly adding it to our property. Also, the lots 100 and 101 might be of interest in the future also, if you hear anything about them being for sale. It is exactly the environment we were hoping to be able to move to once we establish true ability to telecommute. We are both in the IT industry and I do fine art and stock photography on the side. This area is so beautiful, and the surrounding towns have so much character. I will have a never ending source of inspiration. Thank you for providing this opportunity to us, Julie and Ron
Hi Billy! I just wanted to send you a photo of my wife and I at the lot we are purchasing from you near Spague River, OR. We went up there last week and spent a few days in the area. We met with Tim and he showed us the land, found the corner marks and we broke out the sketches we had drawn out for our future home. We are so happy with everything - the land, the view, you, Tim and Pauline! Cheers and best wishes, Anthony and Jillian
Dear Tim, Chris and I wanted to thank you again for all your hard work showing us the property. We know you went above and beyond - spending as much time as you did to make sure we got the boundary markers right. Take care, and we'll call you next time we're up there. Best Regards, Dana & Chris
Thank you for the opportunity to own a real nice parcel of land. We went up there with my wife, Tim was really nice and took time to show us the boundaries. Thanks Again, William & Erika
Hi Billy. My Husband Rick and I went down to Oregon to see the property that we bought from you and we were very happy with what we got. We wanted to know if the lot next to us which would be lot 8 is up for sell? If so we might be interested in it. When you have the time maybe you could email me back and let me know. Thank you, Karen S.
Billy, My family and I went up to the property last weekend and were VERY pleased! It was just as described, and larger than we expected. It was very good of you to help us in the auction, and I will always be grateful. Your staff is top notch, and very professional. I just wanted you to know how I felt. Thank you very much. Mike and Elizabeth M.
Thanks so much for all your help! I have been in contact recently with a Realtor in the Sprague River area and he confirms the area is a nice one and feels I will be happy with my purchase! Hope you are well! Thanks for the help with the documents, received them on Saturday! Sincerely, Vance
Hey Bill ! Thanks for everything.....especially Pauline. She is great. I bought the property on Sylvia ( ebay 1682203624 ) .... got the map and found the lot with no problem. It was exactly as you described and pictured. Thanks very much!! Cheri
Hi, Billy, I love that lot in Oregon! The way it looks it might have a lake view with a 2 story house built, what do you think? My father owns land there and we are going to start building his home and then ours (my husband is a contractor/electrician). It is hard to find owner financing there so I was very happy to see that you have land there. We love it there. I only trust you to do business with, I know that you are very honest to work with and your feedback speaks for itself. Thank You, Starr R.
Dear Bill, I have just returned from visiting the property at Forbes Park. Photos simply do not offer justice to the exquisite beauty of the Sub-Division. A strong HOA protects your safety, tranquility, and area wildlife. If you are looking for a mountain home rivaling any National Park in the USA this land is for you. If you are an investor, now is the time to buy for a great return. All homes in the park are upscale properties divided between full time residents and vacation homes. I have spoken with the Costilla Cty Planning Commissioner, the Park Mgr., and a past president and current board member of the HOA. Everything is proper and exceeds expectations. BillyLand is professional in every respect and held in high regard by everyone in Ft. Garland, CO. Thanks Billy for a dream come true K.
Hey Billy, I drove up from Texas to see the property I bought from you and I am very pleased. I could hardly breath but I guess you get used to the height. I could not find the markers but I had no problem generally identifying my land. before I can build anything I will have to clear the sage and scrub. this is okay right? also who is generally in charge of overseeing the land and helping answer any of my questions when I decide to do something? Finally I noticed you are still selling land in the area. If you now or in the future have something extra special notify me first I might buy another parcel from you. SERIOUSLY! Thanks, Jim
Hey Bill, I looked at the land on saturday. It was nice. Tim was very nice also. I am interested in two more lots ... Thanks, John
Hi Billy! Happy New Year! I got my warranty deed in the mail yesterday. I tried to leave feedback for you but ebay said the item is no longer in their database. So, if you need to give my email address to a prospective buyer for a reference, that would be okay with me. Thanks for everything. I can't wait to build my cabin! Best Regards, Dana
Hi Billy: My husband and I recently bought 5 acres of San Luis Valley land from you. I am anxiously awaiting our signed deed to arrive any day now. Thank you for everything. This has been a great transaction between us. I never thought that I would own land. I just wanted to thank you. You and Pauline have been great. Amy D.
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