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 Ends in 10 Hours and 17 Minutes
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Credit Cards,BBB   >  Land for Sale   >  South Dakota Land Auctions   >  Parcel# 05-SDSE4SW,SEC17,T5N [982]

South Dakota Land For Sale -40 Acres In Sd- Beautiful!
Owner Financing! No Qualifying! - Pond/Creek/Ranchland

Your Winning Bid is the DOWN PAYMENT PRICE of the Property!
Your Down Payment will be subtracted from
the assumable balance of $65,000!

Guaranteed Financing is offered by the seller
to the winner of this auction!

Installments as low as $715 monthly!
Owner Financing! - No Credit Checks! - No Qualification to Own!

Payment for Your Winning Bid is due within 2 Business Days
after the auction ends.

Payments can be made On-Line at

This 40 acre land parcel is located in southwestern South Dakota, and is near the small town of New Underwood. Mount Rushmore, Rapid City, and Sturgis are not far away.

This parcel is part of Culbertson Springs which in the 1800's was an oxen-train stop to water the animals. There is a nice pond and a live brook running on this parcel.

This parcel is also part of the Belle Fourche River breaks, and is only a short drive from the Belle Fourche River itself. There are numerous natural wind breaks and trees in the draws that create excellent shelter for calving and wintering. About a half mile from this parcel a neighbor has a nice horse ranch.

This parcel has had a recent survey and the corner pins are in the ground. The west and south lines of this parcel have already been fenced. There is a bladed gravel ranch-road to this land from the county road. The power lines currently terminate at the neighbor's horse ranch.

This is a wonderful area of South Dakota, referred to as the Banana-Belt, in reference to the unusually mild winters. I believe the Black Hills protect this area from becoming as cold as land farther North.

This Parcel is ideal for someone who wants to start a small ranching operation. It would also be great as horse property, or to be used for hunting.

Click Here for more information about this Area

Sample Agreement and Protective Covenants


Please read the following before you bid!

The Winning Bidder will assume a balance of $65,000.
The amount of your Winning Bid will be deducted from
the assumable balance as your down payment!

You can choose 4-year financing at 8% simple interest,
or up to 20-year financing at 12% simple interest.

As an example, 20 years at 12% would have a monthly payment of $715.
Contact us for other term and interest rate payment examples.
Monthly Payment may vary slightly based on final Auction Bid Amount.

There is no Prepayment Penalty, and we offer a
5 Percent Discount on your unpaid balance when prepaid in full.


Buyer will receive a 1-Year Parcel Exchange Privilege at no cost.
(Some properties may not be available as an exchange.)

This Parcel is offered with Owner Financing and no qualification to own.

This Parcel is within a Legal Recorded Subdivision or Plat.
This Parcel may be subject to Protective Covenants.
Title insurance is available on all Parcels.
We Guarantee a free and clear Title!

To Obtain more information:

Send an email to

- Or -
Call and speak to Billy directly! 1-949-933-0721

Visit this Link for Auction Terms and more information regarding
Bidding and Participating in this Auction.

Be certain that this land is suitable for your needs
before you place your bid.

It is your responsibility to determine if this
property is suitable for your specific needs!

Be certain that you have no unanswered questions before you place your bid.

The winning bidder will be contacted by email
immediately after the end of the Auction.

The winning bidder must contact me at

within 24 hours after the end of the Auction.

A 'Documents Processing Fee' of $249.00 will apply to each auction,
and covers the cost of document preparation and FedEx Mailings.
This fee is due no later than 10 business days after the auction closes.

Please, do not bid if you find any aspect
of these terms to be disagreeable.

Navigate using the buttons in the corner of the map.

Get Driving Directions to Point 'B' on Map

Approximate Latitude/Longitude: 44.390862, -102.817354


The Winning Bidder will assume a balance of $65,000

The amount of the Winning Bid will be deducted from
the assumable balance as the down payment!

Bid History
$4,000.00  Bid #5  (Placed on Tue Mar 22 10:33:02 2016) - Buy-it-Now
$1,219.00  Bid #4  (Placed on Mon Mar 21 16:42:26 2016)
$1,209.00  Bid #3  (Placed on Mon Mar 21 16:35:24 2016)
$1,199.00  Bid #2  (Placed on Sat Mar 19 12:31:13 2016)
$1,189.00  Bid #1  (Placed on Thu Mar 17 22:29:45 2016)


If you are the winning bidder you can sign-in to your
account to pay for your winning bid or to make a monthly payment.

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